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Hello and welcome to AMBER.


13 August 2022

You look around while I try to explain to you what AMBER is.
It's not just a game, it's a world that will take you over with its amazing events.


Adventures that will take your breath away, oceans and ancient ruins, distant space and life under a microscope seclusion rooms and stadiums with concerts are waiting for you. VR, AR and MR, artificial intelligence and endless possibilities for creativity. Everything that human imagination can do will be available, because the main creator here will be you.
The AMBER originated from comics, story that united a lot of creative people to form a new metaverse. This metaverse has a long and rich history, full of different elements that come together to create a unique experience.
In this world, everyone has their own unique NFT soul, which we call a SMART NFT AVATAR. This is a special kind of NFT game character that not only gives you uniqueness in the game, but also allows you to DEFI tool to send streams of tokens to the owners of these NFTs. These are the votes in the DAO that will manage the distributed NFT universe, and from the success and development of the whole AMBER, the flow of tokens sent to the owners of SMART NFT AVATAR will increase.
The AMBER metaverse is a set of worlds with infinite possibilities for each creator and each world. These worlds represent separate NFTs with ownership. The metaverse is governed by a DAO with a total of 8888 votes/consuls.

The consuls receive dividends from their AVATARS as the metaverse grows and develops.
The SMART NFT AVATARS mint will open to the public on August 18 at amber.top.
Of the 8888 total NFTs that will be offered for sale:
- 444 will be available to the public
- 555 will be available to whitelisted
- Freemint members will have access to a certain number of NFTs
The second mint will begin on September 11 during NEARCON.
As a surprise for those who have followed AMBER from the beginning, anyone who holds the Amber Key will be able to access the whitelist at a cost of 5.5N instead of 8N. https://paras.id/ru/token/x.paras.near::211219