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Here's How to Name Your Chapters!


11 August 2022


A chapter is one part of an essay in the form of novels and comics. A creator did the chapter distribution so that readers can take a break or prevent their reading so that they can digest what is happening in the story. Therefore, the chapter is usually one of the important parts which can attract the reader's attention to continue reading the comics that you make.


Although the chapter title is a series of several words, it’s still essential to distinguish between the chapters and also can be the sub-title for your whole comics. You can easily name it ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’, but there will be no challenge, right? Here are some tips for naming your chapters:
1. Chapters are not only in the form of titles but can also be in the form of numbers
To write chapters in numerical form what is needed is consistency from start to finish. The numbers that can be used can be Hindu Arabic numerals (eg 1, 2, 3) or Roman numerals eg. (I, II, III). Like we said before, it’s doable, but not challenging, so choose your own adventure as the creator!
2. Not just any number but a significant one
In addition to the sequence of numbers, you can name the chapter with an event that occurred in that chapter for example the date, month, year of occurrence, or age. This helps your reader to track the story.
3. Feel Free To Start With Something Else, Other Than “Chapters”
Apart from using the word chapter to denote a chapter, you can also use other words such as "section", "chapter", "letter", “part” and things that are relevant to your story.
4. Include Your Character In Chapter Title
You can enter the name of the character you created in the chapter title. It is usually used by writers to show the point of view of a character in the storyline.
5. Include your settings In Chapter Title
Like adding the year in the title, you can also write down the place, time, season, or weather in the story you create. Many authors use the season's name to also show the mood shown throughout the chapter.
6. Add Magic Splash To Your Chapter Titles
If you make the world out of your story as a whole you can take advantage of this to pique the curiosity of the reader by adding new phrases in the form of unfamiliar words to the chapter titles. For example, “Finding Eudaimonia”. Eudaimonia is an expression that means: happiness from the inside. Use these kinds of words to add magic to your chapters.
7. Back to Basics: What Happens in This Chapter?
If you are still confused about the most common way, you can give a name to the chapter title according to the events that occur in a particular chapter.
8. Resonate With Your Readers By Including Something Familiar
In this case, you can enter one of the dialogue snippets of the characters, enter a famous quote, or you can also enter idioms or interesting symbols such as formulas.
9. Punctuation Your Chapter Title For Impact
Punctuation used in the title can give a stronger message to describe the content of the story, for example, an exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), or ellipsis (…). But do not use a period (.) because a period is usually used to end a sentence.
10. Reinforce Your Novel's Theme By Relating It To Your Book Title
In this section, it usually depends on what story you make. For example, you can enter several phrases or words related to time in your chapter. However, this is not required to be added to your chapter title because it must be adjusted to the chapter title related to the story title in each series. For example, use the word "Lost" or "Making Ways" if your comic is a mystery comics about lost people's cases.
From the several things above, the most important thing is consistency. Not only for the title of the chapter but also in the format of the story, so that from one chapter to another can be in harmony and rhythm and attract readers. Are you ready to harmonize your comic?
